Sunday, March 7, 2010

RAD day 7

It's day 7 of the Ring a Day (RAD) project and I am really enjoying the experience. The other artists participating in the challenge are making more and more fantastic rings everyday. Each morning I find myself logging onto Flickr as soon as I get up, as soon as I get home from work, and right before I go to bed. I just can't get enough. I was worried that I would have trouble coming up with ideas, but everywhere I look there is more material to use for a ring.

So far I've mostly been working out of my scrap box. Pulling out strips that were left over from projects that were planned out in detail. The banged up and oddly shaped pieces that would one day be melted down for casting or shipped off for credit with a supplier. Who knew what treasures would emerge from that which was once cast aside. This series of celestial rings is the result of modifying scrap left over from cutting out circles:

 Another theme developing is one of education.  This is most certainly due to creating the pieces during my lunch breaks at school.  The only materials available are those that I use for tutoring and they are yielding some fun results:


Some of my favorite rings by other artists this week:

RAD #64 3/5/10 'Snail'


ring 26


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