This month the Etsy Metal book club is finishing up and creating pieces based on Justin Cronin's "The Passage".
My ring is for Cronin's character Sara. As I was reading the book I wasn't aware of what an
impact her character was making on me, but when I think back on the
story now, I think about Sara a good deal. This ring is meant to be a sort of reminder that
although her reality is one of monsters and teeth, fear and survival,
there is still room to hope for more, just as she did as a child.
The passage that inspired my piece:
sealed the door behind them. A curious and premature pause; Sara had
expected more. Where was she going? she asked Teacher. Would it be a
long journey? Was someone coming for her? How long was she to wait here,
in this room? But Teacher seamed not to hear these questions. She
crouched before her, positioning her large, soft face close to Sara's.
Little Sara, she asked, what do you suppose is out there, outside this
building, beyond the rooms where you live? And what of the men you
sometimes see, the ones who come and go at night, watching over you?
Teacher was smiling, but there was something different about this smile,
thought Sara, something that made her afraid. She didn't want to
answer, but Teacher was looking straight at her, her face expectant.
Sara thought of her mother's eyes, the night she asked her where she
slept. A castle? she said, for in her sudden nervousness that was the
only thing she could think of. A castle, with a moat? A castle, Teacher
said. I see. And what else little Sara? The smile was suddenly gone. I
don't know, said Sara. Well, Teacher said, and cleared her throat. It's
not a castle.